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What are the launch phases of a new TLD?

There are several launch phases that occur before a new top-level domain (nTLD) officially launches and is available to the public for registration. The phases depend on the central registry that is launching the TLD, but typically they include:

  1. Sunrise period: This period allows trademark holders the opportunity to secure their trademark on the new TLD.
  2. Landrush period: This period typically offers registrations at a premium price or to a special group (also usually at a premium price).
  3. Early Access period: This is a special period usually available right before a new TLD officially launches. Typically, prices are premium, but they get lower each day of the period.
  4. General Availability (GA): Once a new TLD is GA, it has officially launches and is available to the public for registration.

Please note that some new TLD offer pre-orders before their GA launch. Pre-orders simply allow the registrant to try and register the domain they want right when GA starts. Dynadot no longer support pre-orders.

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